> 文章列表 > 春节的几个英语单词





Food names: 年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake团圆饭 family reunion dinner; 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year’s Eve; 饺子 dumplings

春联 couplets; 爆竹 firecrackers; 烟花 fireworks; 庙会 temple fair; 年货 New Year goods; 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala

红包 red envelope; 拜年 pay New Year\'s visit; 祭祖 worship ancestors; 祈福 pray for blessings; 舞龙 dragon dance; 舞狮 lion dance

灯笼 lantern; 春晚 Spring Festival Gala; 贺岁片 New Year film; 守岁 stay up late on New Year\'s Eve; 包饺子 make dumplings

贴春联 put up couplets; 贴年画 put up New Year\'s paintings; 贴福字 put up the character \"福\"; 补贴年 raise money for the New Year

迎春花 welcome spring flower; 鞭炮 firecracker; 纪年法 method of numbering years; 升旗 raise the flag; 赏花 appreciate flowers

喜庆 joyful; 年夜饭 New Year\'s Eve dinner; 阖家团圆 family reunion; 恭喜发财 May you be prosperous; 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and welcome the new

庆祝 celebrate; 春节晚会 Spring Festival Evening Party; 春分 Spring Equinox; 属相 Chinese zodiac animal; 元宵节 Lantern Festival

舞台表演 stage performance; 摆设 decorations; 烟花爆竹 fireworks and firecrackers; 除夕 New Year\'s Eve; 钟声鞭炮 the sound of gongs and firecrackers

禁忌 taboo; 对联 couplet; 年宵 night of new year\'s eve; 复式 couplet; 春节年画 New Year paintings

传统节日 traditional festival; 文化传统 cultural tradition; 春节期间 during the Spring Festival; 拜年祭祖 pay New Year\'s visit and worship ancestors

宵禁 curfew; 团圆 reunite; 春节节俗 Spring Festival traditions; 牛年 the Year of the Ox; 捞鱼生 Lo Hei

灯饰 lantern decoration; 美食 delicacies; 舞狮子 lion dancing; 祭祀祖先 worship ancestors; 春节红色 Red color during the Spring Festival

杂耍 acrobatics; 花车花灯 float parade and lantern display; 贴倒福 upside-down Fu character; 春圈 spring circle; 成年 custom of becoming an adult


1. 春节 Spring Festival 2. 年夜饭 New Year\'s Eve dinner 3. 春联 Spring couplets 4. 拜年 Pay New Year\'s visit

5. 红包 Red envelope 6. 鞭炮 Firecrackers 7. 除夕 New Year\'s Eve 8. 元宵节 Lantern Festival

9. 庙会 Temple fair 10. 舞龙 Lion dance


Festival: 春节, 过年, 关于春节春节常见节日中英文对照, Spring Festival(春节) Children’s Day(儿童节)--------on June 1st National Day(国庆节)


1. 春节(农历一月一日) Spring Festival; Chinese New Year\'s Day 2. 元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival

3. 清明节(4月5日) Tomb-sweeping Day 4. 端午节(农历五月初五) Dragon Boat Festival

5. 七夕节(农历七月初七) Qixi Festival 6. 中秋节(农历八月十五日) Mid-Autumn Festival

7. 重阳节(农历九月初九) Double Ninth Festival 8. 除夕(农历大年三十) New Year\'s Eve

9. 元旦节(1月1日) New Year\'s Day 10. 妇女节(3月8日) International Women\'s Day

11. 全国爱耳日(3月3日) National Ear Care Day


春节 1. Spring Festival 2. Nian (Nian-Zhu Yang) 3. The Spring Festival 4. Chinese New Year


中国传统节日的英文都给你吧: Spring Festival 春节, Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节, Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Double Seventh Festival 七夕节, Lantern Festival 元宵节, Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明节

Duanwu Festival 端午节, Qixi Festival 七夕节, Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

Chongyang Festival 重阳节, Laba Festival 腊八节, New Year\'s Eve 除夕


春节 (the Spring Festival), 元宵节 (Lantern Festival), 端午节 (the Dragon Boat Festival), 中秋节 (the Mid-Autumn Festival)


关于春节的英文单词: 1. 春节 The Spring Festival 2. 农历 lunar calendar 3. 正月 lunar January

4. 除夕 New Year\'s Eve 5. 年夜饭 New Year\'s Eve dinner 6. 春联 Spring couplets

7. 红包 Red envelope 8. 鞭炮 Firecrackers 9. 十二生肖 Twelve Chinese zodiac animals

10. 舞龙 Dragon dance 11. 放鞭炮 Set off firecrackers


Spring Festival (to eat jiaozi to celebrate the new year) lunar Jan.1st元宵节 the Lantern Festival (to admire the moon and eat tangyuan)

清明节 Qingming Festival (to sweep tombs and pay respects to ancestors) April 4th - 6th

中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival (to admire the moon and eat mooncakes) lunar August 15th

七夕节 Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine\'s Day) lunar July 7th; 春节 Chinese New Year (to celebrate the arrival of spring) lunar January 1st

中国所有节日英文版 - 懂得

按照日期排序如下: 1. 元旦(1月1日): New Year\'s Day 2. 春节(农历新年,除夕): Spring Festival

3. 元宵节(正月十五): Lantern Festival 4. 清明节(农历